ECG Basics

In this section, we will be discussing the basics of ECG analysis. To review, ECG is an acronym for electrocardiogram. It can be said as either ECG or EKG. An ECG is a graphical representation of the movement of electricity through the heart. On a ECG, there are various waves. Each wave represents a different chamber in the heart. Watch this short video to see how it works.

Before You Begin

Now that we have studied the heart, we can begin to understand the relationship between how it actually pumps (mechanical), and how the electricity relates to that. Before you begin however, take a moment to congratulate yourself on getting this far. ECG work requires a lot of knowledge and you are doing well if you have made it this far. The next section of lessons is probably the most challenging but is essential if you want to become an ECG technician. Pay careful attention to the notes section of each lesson. Those are the main points and the concepts that you most need to understand. Let's get started.